make a garden of your despair

nest it exactly one inch from the surface and three from its nearest neighbor
tuck it gently beneath its earthen comforter
in its basket of electric molecular memory
offer it the sunniest spot in the yard
harvest nitrates from your own body to keep it sewn in fresh nutrients plenty but not too much
shield it from invasives and nibbling critters
coat it in song and prayer
remind yourself you can not bare its fruit for it
only witness this tiny matrix of cellular miracles
cracking each seed of pain into plump handfuls of light

make a feast of your grief
sweeten it with honey and wildflowers
season it with fresh herbs
grind down its coverings til its aromas wrap you in surrender
savor each delicate hue of texture and history
preserve in salts and sunlight what is more than your fill

you are doing something
you are staying intact
staying human




the sauntering paradox